How's it going, folks?
I'll leave you here the list of my ten favorite movies of all time...

Okay...this is the movie that make me love Darren Aronofsky. With "The Fighter" and "Pi" and "Black Swan" I thought he was a wonderful filmmaker. This..."Requiem for a Dream", make him look like a masterpiece maker. This film is so bizarre and visually amazing! The editing gives a nice effect that goes well along with the story. Thanks to this movie I will never EVER do drugs in my life, far so good.

Where do we begin? This film is so wonderful...mainly because of the fact that it's all set on a room (aside from one or two one-minute scenes). 12 angry men discussing whether a young man is innocent or guilty of the murder of his own father. Who could say one could bring up an amazing two hour film out of that little sentence? Great performances, great management of the few elements they had, great movie!
Again...another masterpiece. David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin are a great team! This film's script is simply amazing, so...complete, if that's alright. The pace, the editing (specially the rowing race), and the dialogue and chemistry between characters made this movie almost perfect.

Okay...I grew up watching this movie...among many other Disney movies. But this one...this one had something special, probably because of the Whale (I loved sea creature when I was a kid) or the relationship between father and son the characters portrayed. I still love this film. My favorite animated feature.

A magical film. Why do I say this? You see, my favorite scene is that one in which Mozart and Salieri are writing the last Requiem together, towards the ending, and as Mozart describes the notes and rhythm, you can hear the pieces of music, like if you were in Mozart's head. And that's it! How can a movie make a scene as simple as that one be so wonderful?! I guess Milos Forman is a genius...

How could this be missing in this list? Not only my favorite War/Nazi Movie, but probably one of the greatest films of this century. Tarantino does it again...he crates masterpieces, with wonderful characters and dialogues. And those sublime stories divided in chapters (most of them). Hans Landa is one of the main reasons for which I love Inglourious Basterds. God Bless Tarantino!
How could this be missing in this list? Not only my favorite War/Nazi Movie, but probably one of the greatest films of this century. Tarantino does it again...he crates masterpieces, with wonderful characters and dialogues. And those sublime stories divided in chapters (most of them). Hans Landa is one of the main reasons for which I love Inglourious Basterds. God Bless Tarantino!

To be honest with you, I would never thought a superhero movie could make it on the list. Well, Mr. Nolan changed my mind completely, and what's more, his finest movie got the fourth place! Right, The Dark Knight is one of my favorite movies of all time. My favorite superhero movie ever. And, come on, a lot of this film's popularity is thanks to Heath Ledger's performance, which was astonishing. R.I.P.

I love movies about crazy people or mental institutions. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is probably the greatest one! Jack Nicholson's greatest performance in my opinion. Milos Forman greatest picture. And all the supporting characters, the mentally ill and Nurse Ratchet... God, those characters make the movie! It also showed a dark side of mental institutions not many people knew about, back in the day. What a great piece of movie.

Stanley Kubrick is, in my opinion, the greatest filmmaker of all time, and that's never going to change. A Clockwork Orange is, by far, the most bizarre movie I've ever seen in my entire life. It knew what it was, it didn't go as far as to be considered gory or mild porn... It was violent, visually amazing, the main character was perfect, and the story, even though simple, is, to date, one of the greatest story lines. I'll never get tired of this movie.

Stanley Kubrick is, in my opinion, the greatest filmmaker of all time, and that's never going to change. A Clockwork Orange is, by far, the most bizarre movie I've ever seen in my entire life. It knew what it was, it didn't go as far as to be considered gory or mild porn... It was violent, visually amazing, the main character was perfect, and the story, even though simple, is, to date, one of the greatest story lines. I'll never get tired of this movie.

Ahh...Tarantino. Do I have to say more? Tarantino is my second favorite director, right after Kubrick, and I think it's because every single movie he has made is nearly perfect. Pulp Fiction, for instance, is a masterpiece. My favorite film of all time! Why? Cast, Characters, Dialogue, Story, Music, Moral (wait...moral? Nah...), etc... This film has it all! I've seen it over a thousand times... I'll never get tired of it!
This is the end of the list...and of this entry as well!
This is the FUNTIME Productions blog, I am Gabriel, and please, leave a comment or ask some questions. Tell me what would you like me to talk about on my next entry.
- Do you have a TOP 10 Movies of all time?
- What's your favorite movie of all time?
- What are your thoughts on "Pulp Fiction"?
See ya' later, guys!
(films and people I talked about on this entry) (Pulp Fiction) (A Clockwork Orange) (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) (The Dark Knight) (Inglourious Basterds) (Amadeus) (Pinocchio) (The Social Network) (12 Angry Men) (Requiem for a Dream) (Quentin Tarantino) (Stanley Kubrick) (Milos Forman) (Christopher Nolan) (David Fincher) (Sidney Lumet) (Darren Aronosfsky)
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